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Email: tikkunleilshabbat[at]yahoo[dot]com
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Buzz about TLS
"I want to salute the latest Jewish entrepreneurial project in the District of Columbia. This new Friday night initiative has been a smashing success from the beginning, overflowing every venue." -Mah Rabu
"The singing was beautiful and the energy was palpable." -ZT
"At Tikkun Leil Shabbat, there’s a joyfulness to the singing, the community, the breaking of bread together.” -The New York Times
"It's the people who gather for a holy purpose who create the sanctuary." -TIME Magazine
"While synagogues often shy away from politics and Jewish activist groups from prayer ... Tikkun Leil Shabbat is diving into both." -The Forward
"Very soulful, politically progressive, traditionally committed and fiercely egalitarian." -Washington Jewish Week
"A spiritual cyclone of a congregation." -Dan Furmansky
"The most fun I've ever had with a yarmulke on." -Daniel Solomon
Buzz about Shabbat
"Call Shabbat a delight!" -Isaiah
"Come, my love, to meet the bride. Let's welcome Shabbat." -Shlomo Ha-Levi Alkabetz
"Shabbat is the choicest fruit and flower of the week." -Judah HaLevi
"Shabbat is a palace in time." -Abraham Joshua Heschel
"Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy." -G-d
Past Divrei Tikkun
6/17/05 SmokeFree DC -won!
7/1/05 Our Place DC
7/15/05 Religious Partnership for the Anacostia River
7/29/05 My Sister's Place
8/12/05 DC Jobs with Justice
8/26/05 Washington Literacy Council
11/11/05 DC Living Wage -won!
12/30/05 Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
3/24/06 Green Door
4/28/06 American Jewish World Service
5/19/06 National Capital Immigration Coalition
6/16/06 DC Habitat for Humanity
7/7/06 JUFJ's Campaign for Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning
8/18/06 CASA of MD's Domestic Workers' Rights Project
9/8/06 Co-op America's DC Green Festival
9/29/06 (dvar kehillah)
10/27/06 Results:the power to end hunger.
11/17/06 Food and Water Watch
12/08/06 Chesapeake Climate Action Network
12/29/07 SmokeFree DC -won!
1/19/07 DC EITC Campaign
2/9/07 Secure the Call
3/2/07 DC Employment Justice Ctr
3/23/07 Yachad
4/13/07 JUFJ's Affordable Housing Campaign
5/4/07 Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless
5/25/07 AVODAH: The Jewish Service Corps
6/8/07 Equality Maryland
6/29/07 Washington Parks & People
7/13/07 Community Food Security Coalition & Supporting local agriculture
8/3/07 Big Brothers Big Sisters
8/24/07 Metro TeenAIDS
9/13/07 Dvar Tikkun Retrospective
10/6/07 DC Central Kitchen
10/26/07 Academy of Hope
11/16/07 SEIU32BJ Stand w/Security Campaign
12/7/07 Shomrei Adamah's Green Light Campaign
12/28/07 Pets DC
1/18/08 The Righteous Indignation Project
2/8/08 Fair Trade & Divine Chocolate (intro)
2/29/08 Servicemembers Legal Defense Network
4/4/08 Jewish Women International
5/2/08 Wendt Center for Loss & Healing
5/23/08 Whitman-Walker Clinic
6/13/08 DC Trans Coalition
6/27/08 Empower DC
7/18/08 ACLU-NCA
8/8/08 DC Fair Budget Coalition
8/22/08 Labor on the Bimah Shabbat: Carlyle - Fix ManorCare Now Campaign
9/12/08 DC Childcare Collective (intro)
9/30/08 Dvar Tikkun Retrospective
10/10/08 Virginia New Majority
11/7/08 Mt Pleasant Solar Coop
12/5/08 Our Place DC
12/26/08 DC EITC Campaign
1/16/09 Nat'l Day of Service
2/20/09 Capitol Climate Action
3/9/09 Puppet Underground
4/3/09 Common Good City Farm & FRESHFARM Markets
4/24/09 NoVA Hotel Workers
5/15/09 We Are Family Senior Outreach Ntwk
5/28/09 We Believe Together Health Care for All
6/12/09 Nehirim: GLBT Jewish Spirituality & Culture & Nat'l Union of LGBTIQQ Jewish Students
6/26/09 Bread for the City
7/17/09 Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
8/14/09 For Love of Children
9/4/09 JUFJ's Day Laborer Justice Campaign
9/12/09 Conflict Resolution Center of Montgomery Co. (invited)
9/19/09 Dvar Tikkun Retrospective
10/23/09 Climate Healing Shabbat: 1Sky
11/6/09 Immigration Equality
12/4/09 Human Rights Shabbat: Polaris Project: For a World Without Slavery
12/18/09 Weatherize DC
1/8/10 DC Hunger Solutions
1/29/10 Tahirih Justice Ctr
2/19/10 Ctr for Employment Training
2/27/10 Kids on the Block
3/19/10 We Were Strangers Too Campaign
4/9/10 WEAVE: Women Empowered Against Violence
4/30/10 City at Peace
5/21/10 DC Urban Beekeeping
6/11/10 Pride Shabbat: Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League (SMYAL)
7/2/10 Metro Teen AIDS
7/23/10 LearnServe International
8/13/10 Bright Beginnings
9/4/10 Restaurant Opportunities Ctr
10/22/10 Capital Hospice
11/12/10 Kid Power DC
12/3/10 Men Can Stop Rape
12/17/10 Takoma Time
1/7/11 Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development
1/28/11 Liberty's Promise
2/18/11 JUFJ's Invest in DC Campaign
3/11/11 Washington Area Bicyclists' Association
4/1/11 March on Blair Mountain
4/29/11 A Wider Circle
5/20/11 Homeless Children's Playtime Project
6/9/11 Mautner Project
7/1/11 Ayuda
7/22/11 BEST Kids (foster child mentoring)
8/12/11 OAR (Offender Aid Restoration)
9/2/11 SEIU Local 32BJ
9/23/11 DREAM Act
9/24/11 Greater Washington Interfaith Power & Light
11/4/11 DC Employment Justice Center and Jews United for Justice Paid Sick Days for Restaurant Works Campaign
12/2/11 Move Your Money Minyanim Project--Learn More About Credit Unions
12/23/11 District Alliance for Safe Housing
1/13/12 Diverse City Fund
2/3/12 Byte Back
2/24/12 Occupy Our Homes DC
3/7/12 HIPS (Helping Individual Prostitutes Survive)
3/30/12 Faiths Act Fellows
4/20/12 Heeding God's Call: Interfaith Action to End Gun Violence
5/11/12 JUFJ's Money Out of DC Politics Campaign
6/8/12 Marylanders for Marriage Equality
6/28/12 SAFE (Survivors & Advocates for Empowerment)
7/20/12 EarthWorks re: Stop the Frack Attack Rally
8/3/12 JUFJ's Paid Sick Days for All Campaign
8/24/12 Break the Chains Campaign
9/8/12 L'Arche DC
9/21/12 Shabbat Shuvah: For Love of Children
10/19/12 Movement Catalyst
11/9/12 AJWS's Global Hunger Shabbat
11/30/12 Divine Chocolate
12/14/12 Day Eight: Innovation in Community Arts
1/4/13 Fabrangen Tzedakah Collective
1/25/13 Green America's GMO Inside Campaign
2/15/13 My Sister's Place
1/25/13 Green America's GMO Inside Campaign
2/23/13 Sunflower Bakery
3/15/13 Autistic Self Advocacy Network
4/5/13 Fair Budget Coalition
4/26/13 CAIR Coalition
5/17/13 Housing for All Campaign
6/7/13 DC Trans Coalition
6/28/13 Many Languages, One Voice
7/19/13 Washington Interfaith Network
8/2/13 Citizens Climate Lobby DC
8/23/13 Bread for the City
8/31/13 Friendship Place
10/4/13 DC NOW
10/18/13 DC Trainers Network
11/1/13 Ward 4 Thrives
11/8/13 DAWN
12/6/13 Paid Sick Days for All
12/27/13 Pathways to Housing DC
1/10/14 15th Street Community Garden
1/31/14 Higher Achievement
2/21/14 Children's Law Center
4/25/14 Free Minds Book Club
5/16/14 Good Faith Community Coalition
6/6/14 OutServe-Servicemembers Legal Defense Network
6/27/14 Chesapeake Climate Action Network
7/18/14 Stone Soup Films
8/2/14 Hebrew Free Loan Association
8/22/14 Literacy Volunteers and Advocates
9/12/14 Suited for Change
10/24/14 Life Pieces to Masterpieces
11/14/14 La Cocina VA
12/5/14 CASA DC
12/19/14 Food & Friends
1/9/15 Washington Legal Committee for the Homeless
1/30/15 Gearin' Up Bicycles
2/14/15 Martha's Table
3/13/15 Yachad
3/27/15 DC Scores
4/17/15 Brainfood
5/8/15 Homeless Children's Playtime Project
5/29/15 Tikkun Leil Shabbat
6/12/15 Casa Ruby
7/10/15 Whitman-Walker Health
7/31/15 Project Create
8/21/15 BUILD
9/18/15 Green Door
10/16/15 Open Arms Housing
11/6/15 CASA
11/20/15 Showing up for Racial Justice (SURJ)
12/18/15 BEST Kids
1/8/16 Jews United for Justice
1/29/16 Young Survival Coalition
2/19/16 DC Fiscal Policy Institute
3/4/16 Marylanders to Prevent Gun Violence
4/1/16 Transitional Housing Corporation
4/15/16 DC Abortion Fund
5/20/16 One Common Unity
6/10/16 DC Center
7/8/16 City Wildlife
7/29/16 SOME
8/19/16 CARECEN
10/7/16 Girls on the Run
11/4/16 Statehood YES
11/18/16 DC Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative
12/9/16 Mary's Center
12/30/16 Center DC
1/13/17 N Street Village

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