
Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COJEL)'s Jewish Energy Guide: Lights Unto the Nation, by Joelle Novey, March 2013 
"Washington’s Green Shuls"

Break the Chain Campaign blog, by Tiffany Williams, August 2012
What You Can Do to Help Trafficking Survivors"
"I was honored to be invited to help with the d’var tikkun at Tikkun Leil Shabbat ... I had a fantastic introduction by a community member, during which I realized that workers might have had a few more rights under ancient Jewish law then they have now under [Department of Labor] regulations … but I digress ... I encourage any of our Jewish supporters to consider attending this unique service, which has a strong eco-social justice focus, and a bunch of great people!"

Sojourners, November 2011
"Standing Up for the Earth: Largest U.S. Climate Action Says No to Pipeline. "
(Tikkun Leil Shabbat appears in caption of photo in print edition.)

Asian Journal
, September 2011
"Diverse Faith Communities Nationwide Launch Dream Sabbath Campaign"
Washington Examiner
, by Liz Essley, August 2011
"Jacob Feinspan"

PresenTense Magazine,
by Rachel Krauser, April 2011
"Woman to Watch"

Jewish Telegraphic Agency,
by Sue Fishkoff, March 2011
"Turning Purim on Its Head with Social Action instead of Drunkenness", by Anna Batler, February 2011
Tikkun Leil Shabbat: Be the change you wish to see in your potluck community

Kosher Nation, by Sue Fishkoff, 2010
in Chapter 6, "Beyond Manischewitz: Kosher Wine Aims High," pages 119-121

Empowered Judaism,
by Rabbi Elie Kaunfer, February 2010
"Our Sponges Are Praying: How a Dish System Reflects Pluralism, Environmentalism, Egalitarianism, and Community at Tikkun Leil Shabbat in Washington DC" by Joelle Novey

Hadassah Magazine
, August/September 2009"Individualism and Community" by Rahel Musleah
New York Times, 8/22/2009

New York Times, 11/28/2007

The Jewish Daily Forward, 5/4/2007

The Washington Jewish Week, 6/1/2006

TIME Magazine, 2/27/2006

Be'chol Lashon